Saturday, October 18, 2008

Half way

So this week I am in my 20th week of this pregnancy. I am so excited I am half way done now. And since I found out when I was like 3 week pregnant if seems like forever that I have been Pregnant! I am so excited to be having another little boy! Now that he is moving all the time it helps time move faster to. I know he is all right and don't have to worry as much about him now. I know that is silly But I am a worrier :) Only 20 more weeks or less and he will be here!


Debe said...

congrats.... I thought for sure you were farther along than that.... JK
It actually seems to be going quite quickly!

the ridgeways said...

it always goes quickly for the ones who aren't preggo!! lol congratulations on being half way!!! give little man a love nudge from aunt manda~

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's not silly. I'm the same way. Lucky for me I have you to be slightly ahead of me to make me be able to say "Well, if Lindsay is half way then I'm ALMOST half way!" That's been helping me feel like it's going slightly faster then a snails pace.

SuperCoolMom said...

Hooray! Gee, your pregnancy seems to be flying to me! ;D